Friday 23 September 2011


I found this image on I think the curve in this image is similar to the curve in my skate park photograph.

 a piece by Keith Garrow! oil on canvas called "not drowning".
I love this piece because its colourful and therefore eye catching. there are many warped shapes making up the picture. i can see a human figure in the middle , so i guess he or she is the person not drowning?
i love the use of complementary colours on the person. blue and orange work well together to make the human stand out from the yellow wavey shapes.

Abstract photo of water I can not find the artist for this photograph. I think it's a stunning picture! It's natural and captures 3 elements. the low water, the land and wood and the trees are further up. I like the way the artist has rotated the image to make it something else. this fits in with the theme transformation!! To me it has a kalidescope effect!

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